
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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Accelerated Materials Ltd

About Company

Accelerated Materials Ltd. provides businesses with high quality, cost-effective functional nanomaterials. We also provide consultancy services for bespoke materials innovation.It often takes decades to industrialize new material technologies. AM uses a fundamentally different R&D methodology, incorporating intensified microreactor technology and machine learning to accelerate scale-up.AM was founded in 2020 by Dr. Nicholas Jose, Professor Alexei Lapkin and

Accelerated Materials Ltd. provides businesses with high quality, cost-effective functional nanomaterials. We also provide consultancy services for bespoke materials innovation.It often takes decades to industrialize new material technologies. AM uses a fundamentally different R&D methodology, incorporating intensified microreactor technology and machine learning to accelerate scale-up.AM was founded in 2020 by Dr. Nicholas Jose, Professor Alexei Lapkin and Dr. Mikhail Kovalev, to commercialize inventions and know-how developed in various projects at the University of Cambridge and Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore (CARES Ltd) since 2015.

Analytical Reports