
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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AVACO Inc., a publicly traded company headquartered in Daegu, South Korea (KOSDAQ: 083930), is a global supplier of thin-film processing equipment and specializes in the manufacture of SuVAS™ sputtering vacuum deposition equipment (in-line, cluster, and roll to roll type), AEON™ atomic layer deposition equipment, various BEOL equipment, and factory automation equipment such as clean stocker, clean crane, and overhead transfer system for large-scale

AVACO Inc., a publicly traded company headquartered in Daegu, South Korea (KOSDAQ: 083930), is a global supplier of thin-film processing equipment and specializes in the manufacture of SuVAS™ sputtering vacuum deposition equipment (in-line, cluster, and roll to roll type), AEON™ atomic layer deposition equipment, various BEOL equipment, and factory automation equipment such as clean stocker, clean crane, and overhead transfer system for large-scale substrate.AVACO is known for delivering proven mass production manufacturing equipment that encompasses all aspects related to thin-film coating such as TCO, metal electrode, and dielectric layer. Target materials used for AVACO’s sputtering system includes Ag, Al, Al2O3, AlNd, AZO, CIGS, Cr, Cu, CuGa, CuIn, GZO, IGZO, In, ITO, IZO, Mo, MoTi, MoW, Ni, Se, SiO2, TiO2, ZnO and others with DC, pulsed-DC, and MF utilizing single or dual magnetron source.

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