

Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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BREC Solutions Limited

About Company

BREC Solutions limited is a research, technology and communications consultancy that provides customised solutions to ever growing challenges of Nanotechnology business and innovation. We are a small consulting firm based in Lancaster (UK), Paris (France) and Warsaw (Poland). We specialise in Nanotechnology innovation, regulation and standards. BREC Solutions has experts monitoring and advising technical committees in ISO, CEN and IET. We draft

BREC Solutions limited is a research, technology and communications consultancy that provides customised solutions to ever growing challenges of Nanotechnology business and innovation. We are a small consulting firm based in Lancaster (UK), Paris (France) and Warsaw (Poland). We specialise in Nanotechnology innovation, regulation and standards. BREC Solutions has experts monitoring and advising technical committees in ISO, CEN and IET. We draft international standards and help our clients navigate through developments in this complex area. We help our clients comply with nanomaterials regulation and offer characterisation services for compliance dossiers. BREC is an independent evaluator of investment proposals and funding bids. We value our independence and impartiality. Our evaluations are both technical (feasibility, scalability and manufacturability) and economic (market evaluation, competition scoping and threat analysis).

Analytical Reports