
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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Cellivate Technologies

About Company

The engineering of cells has the potential to enormously revolutionise medicine, drug discovery and even the future of food. However, these are hampered because culturing critical cells are complicated and take long to grow. Cellivate Technologies has developed a patented nanotechnology to address this problem. We’ve discovered that different oxide chemistries enable cells to adhere better and accelerate their growth, while maintaining vital cellular

The engineering of cells has the potential to enormously revolutionise medicine, drug discovery and even the future of food. However, these are hampered because culturing critical cells are complicated and take long to grow. Cellivate Technologies has developed a patented nanotechnology to address this problem. We’ve discovered that different oxide chemistries enable cells to adhere better and accelerate their growth, while maintaining vital cellular markers. Our product portfolio includes coverslips, dishes, microcarriers and other innovations to accelerate the application of cells for the greater benefit of society.

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