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Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience & Technology (CKMNT)

About Company

Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience and Technology (CKMNT) was established on 1st April 2009 at Hyderabad by the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) as one of its centre of excellence with partial financial assistance from Nano Mission, DST, India. It was created with a vision to become the state-of-the-art one-stop global knowledge centre for nanoscience and technology that will enable the

Centre for Knowledge Management of Nanoscience and Technology (CKMNT) was established on 1st April 2009 at Hyderabad by the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) as one of its centre of excellence with partial financial assistance from Nano Mission, DST, India. It was created with a vision to become the state-of-the-art one-stop global knowledge centre for nanoscience and technology that will enable the seamless networking among the entire spectrum of “nano” stakeholders, spanning researchers, industries, policy makers, financial institutions and venture capitalists. Products and Services I. Nanotech Insights Newsletter (a quarterly publications) : (ISSN 2229-5992): A quarterly newsletter dedicated to the field of nanoscience and technology; 15 issues published; more than 8000 copies per year printed. II. Generation of Nanoscience & Technology Databases : A first-of-its-kind Directory listing R&D labs/institutions and companies that are active in the area of nanoscience and technology. III. Multi-client Value Added Technical/Techno-Commercial Reports IV. Customized and multi-client Market Research Reports (Industry Solicited/Sponsored Reports) V. Multi-client Patent Reports VI. Customized Prior art searching (Literature and patent searching) and Patent Analysis VII. Customized Patent Landscaping ( mining and mapping---) VIII. Techno Economic Feasibility Reports IX. Identifying Potential Technology Collaborations X. Technology Assessment Reports XI. Inputs to Nano Mission XII. Other Miscellaneous Services: Technology Briefs, Inputs to ANF, SEB Inputs to Top Management etc.

Analytical Reports