
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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About Company

Achieving energy decarbonization requires the engagement of local communities in new and exciting ways, empowered by distributed generation and storage of clean energy, progressive legislative frameworks that favor decentralized energy networks, and by the integration of advanced digital systems designed to connect the dots between generation, consumption, storage, balancing and trading of energy where it matters most: locally.We are a digital cleantech,

Achieving energy decarbonization requires the engagement of local communities in new and exciting ways, empowered by distributed generation and storage of clean energy, progressive legislative frameworks that favor decentralized energy networks, and by the integration of advanced digital systems designed to connect the dots between generation, consumption, storage, balancing and trading of energy where it matters most: locally.We are a digital cleantech, resolutely focused on delivering the benefits of the global energy transition to local communities around the world. Our modular and highly scalable OS is designed to effectively manage client needs in real time at every level of an energy community... both behind the meter and in front of the meter. We currently visualize, optimize and control over 2TWh through our modular OS and highly interoperable UIs with successful deployments in over 2000 locations and over 70 million hours of uninterrupted runtime.Unlike other players in our space, we take a holistic view of energy community needs. In addition to serving existing and emerging energy communities, we also originate energy communities via local anchor clients (commercial enterprises or municipalities) for whom we combine our digital offering with zero capex solutions that finance critical investments in distributed assets at the heart of the energy transition (PV, storage, EV charging, electrification, etc.).In short, we bring to each member of the communities that we serve the combined benefits of affordable clean energy, smart energy efficiency and the opportunity to unlock new revenue streams by monetizing local assets through grid flexibility services, peer-to-peer transactions and trading with the wholesale markets. Customer outcomes include lower operating costs, higher returns from local assets and reduced carbon emissions.Join us as we build a world in which resilient clean energy is decentralized, digitalized and democratized.

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