
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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Creating Nano Technologies Inc.

About Company

Creating Nano Technologies is a R&D based company that consists of professional plasma, material technology, precision machinery, and electrical integration teams. We can independently develop semiconductors, packaging, coating equipment and new process technology, including photoelectric, communication, and MEMs equipment, as well as process development, all of which are emphasized by the high technology industry and have been set among the main aims of

Creating Nano Technologies is a R&D based company that consists of professional plasma, material technology, precision machinery, and electrical integration teams. We can independently develop semiconductors, packaging, coating equipment and new process technology, including photoelectric, communication, and MEMs equipment, as well as process development, all of which are emphasized by the high technology industry and have been set among the main aims of active government development. The purpose is to enable the domestic semiconductor, photoelectric and MEMs industries so that they are not limited by expensive foreign equipment & the expense of inferior technology authorization.

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