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Csp Ultralite Solar Inc.

About Company

About Our CompanyCSP ULTRALITESOLAR INC is a Canadian business with representation in Europe, South America, and China. Our core business is developing innovative solar concentrator technologies for low-cost concentrating of solar energy. We will partner with you to deliver economical renewable energy solutions.CultureOur research laboratory's sole focus is to develop innovative technologies to reduce the cost of harnessing sunlight, making it a much more

About Our CompanyCSP ULTRALITESOLAR INC is a Canadian business with representation in Europe, South America, and China. Our core business is developing innovative solar concentrator technologies for low-cost concentrating of solar energy. We will partner with you to deliver economical renewable energy solutions.CultureOur research laboratory's sole focus is to develop innovative technologies to reduce the cost of harnessing sunlight, making it a much more economical energy source to drive many of our energy needs today while at the same time reducing our dependence on polluting fossil fuels.Technical AdvantageWe provide innovative solar technologies for low-cost concentrating of solar energy. Applications include medium- and high-temperature solar thermal energy for:Concentrated Solar PowerProcess HeatingSolar FuelsSolar Enhanced Oil RecoverySolar DesalinationDistrict Solar HeatingSolar Absorption CoolingBy using thin film material and air pressure-enhanced structures, CSP ULTRALITESOLAR INC can significantly reduce the cost of solar concentrators used in CSP plants. In conjunction with the CSP plant, a thermal-based storage system is used to store the heat for continued production of power during cloud cover and at night. Thermal energy storage systems do leak energy, so they are short-term storage used typically for overnight operation, but multi-day storage is possible.For economic reasons, most installations just have enough storage for 24 hours, as the sun comes up the next day and provides power and recharges the thermal storage system. This solution may provide power 80% (+/-) of the time in locations with more favourable solar conditions. As a backup, fossil fuel would be used within the same CSP plant using the same turbine that runs from solar. Why isn't solar power used 100% of the time? The reason is because there may only be 300 sunshine days a year in a particular geographic location.

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