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digid - Digital Diagnostics AG

About Company

digid is developing a new kind of diagnostics healthcare platform solution through a proprietary combination of sensorics, biotech, a.i. and software that will, for the first time enable real-time identification of different the very core of digid ´s development, is a proprietary biosensor in combination with specifically designedreceptors and digid´s healthtech app as well as a fully integrated, a.i. powered data platform for real-time

digid is developing a new kind of diagnostics healthcare platform solution through a proprietary combination of sensorics, biotech, a.i. and software that will, for the first time enable real-time identification of different the very core of digid ´s development, is a proprietary biosensor in combination with specifically designedreceptors and digid´s healthtech app as well as a fully integrated, a.i. powered data platform for real-time diagnostics of multiple human biomarkers.this custom, real-time diagnostics procedure enables the identification of multiple human biomarkers in real-time and gives users / patients personalized recommendations on how to improve the current state of wellbeing. this can be a recommended doctor visit with a subsequent therapeutical treatment, specific nutritional supplements or other personalized recommendations to improve wellbeing and the current health-state.based on our proprietary

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