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Goods Manufacturer

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Europlasma’s mission is to supply innovative nanocoating solutions based on low pressure plasma technology.Europlasma is helping its customers to achieve the highest performance for their products, with a production process that has the lowest environmental footprint.Europlasma was founded in 1993. Today a team of more than 30 specialists is working in the main plant in Oudenaarde, Belgium with R&D facilities and machine assembly hall. The company has also

Europlasma’s mission is to supply innovative nanocoating solutions based on low pressure plasma technology.Europlasma is helping its customers to achieve the highest performance for their products, with a production process that has the lowest environmental footprint.Europlasma was founded in 1993. Today a team of more than 30 specialists is working in the main plant in Oudenaarde, Belgium with R&D facilities and machine assembly hall. The company has also a subsidiary in Hong Kong for the production and global distribution of process chemicals. Europlasma serves its customers locally with the support of a worldwide network of local agents and distributors, including testing facilities in Belgium, USA, China, and India.Europlasma pioneered with the first roll-to-roll plasma machine in 1994, and the first industrial nanocoating machine in 1996. Europlasma has been at the forefront of low pressure plasma technology ever since. Since 2000 Europlasma has also grown a patent portfolio on low pressure plasma processing and applications.With a growing demand for nanocoating solutions based upon Europlasma’s unique know how and intellectual property, Europlasma launched in 2011 the Nanofics® brand name.Today Europlasma’s technology is mainly used in the following fields:• low pressure plasma cleaning, etching, activation and nanocoating of electronic materials and devices,• low pressure plasma activation and nanocoating of plastic materials and parts,• low pressure plasma activation and nanocoating of industrial textiles, non-wovens or film.

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