About Company
The Giocosolutions s.r.l. was born from an idea of Ing. Gustavo Gioco in 2012 with the aim of developing products for the renewable energy and sustainable mobility sectors on an industrial level, in order to expand their applicability.
The flexible panel as an idea was born between 2004 and 2005 for developing countries where it was necessary to create a product that was easy to transport.
In 2005 the Mr. Gioco created Biomind, a consulting company for the
The Giocosolutions s.r.l. was born from an idea of Ing. Gustavo Gioco in 2012 with the aim of developing products for the renewable energy and sustainable mobility sectors on an industrial level, in order to expand their applicability.
The flexible panel as an idea was born between 2004 and 2005 for developing countries where it was necessary to create a product that was easy to transport.
In 2005 the Mr. Gioco created Biomind, a consulting company for the alternative energy sector, becoming a consultant for the Turin Polytechnic University in the branch of Alessandria, where he supervised a research and development project for the realization and characterization of the new semi-flexible solar panel technology. Bayer Material Science was also involved in the project. In the same year, the first prototypes made in Levefkoosen are produced in the Bayer headquarters. The materials used at the time were PC combined with a specific experimental TPU.
At the end of this research, Ing. Gioco joins the Tuscan company Energie Alternative whose goal should have been to design PV systems and tend to produce panels.