
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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Global Graphene Technologies

About Company

Global Graphene Technologies (GGT) is a leading provider of high quality crystalline vein graphite. GGT is the number one supplier of Sri Lankan Vein Graphite globally and has a team of highly experienced graphite and graphene specialists. We assist corporations, universities and laboratories with their graphite requirements, particularly specialising in graphene-related applications given the quality and quantity of graphite available in the region. GGT

Global Graphene Technologies (GGT) is a leading provider of high quality crystalline vein graphite. GGT is the number one supplier of Sri Lankan Vein Graphite globally and has a team of highly experienced graphite and graphene specialists. We assist corporations, universities and laboratories with their graphite requirements, particularly specialising in graphene-related applications given the quality and quantity of graphite available in the region. GGT is currently looking for additional resources in Sri Lanka to supplement its current reserve and is scaling up production in line with its increase in sales globally.GGT has plans to list on the ASX in 2017 to provide its shareholders with a liquidity event.

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