
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

Contact Info


Goceram AB

About Company

Goceram supplies complete production lines and know-how licenses for Medium Pressure Powder Injection Molding - MEDPIMOLD. With this technology complex shaped components of metallic and ceramic materials can be manufactured cost-effectively. And the built-in flexibility makes it suitable for both small- and large-volume production. NEW! Water-extractable or thermally evaporable binder system (TeWeX) - can be used for both Medium and High Pressure PIM. And

Goceram supplies complete production lines and know-how licenses for Medium Pressure Powder Injection Molding - MEDPIMOLD. With this technology complex shaped components of metallic and ceramic materials can be manufactured cost-effectively. And the built-in flexibility makes it suitable for both small- and large-volume production. NEW! Water-extractable or thermally evaporable binder system (TeWeX) - can be used for both Medium and High Pressure PIM. And more: the feedstocks can be used directly in the new generation of 3-D printers!

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