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international scientific events

About Company

Every year we organize six scientific conferences on various topics, the results of which are published in open access journals. We are the founders and organizers of one of the oldest academic forums in Bulgaria - the annual scientific conference Ecology and Safety. In 2021 the conference celebrated its thirtieth birthday. Needless to say, all of this would not have been possible without the trust of thousands of participants over the years, without the

Every year we organize six scientific conferences on various topics, the results of which are published in open access journals. We are the founders and organizers of one of the oldest academic forums in Bulgaria - the annual scientific conference Ecology and Safety. In 2021 the conference celebrated its thirtieth birthday. Needless to say, all of this would not have been possible without the trust of thousands of participants over the years, without the efforts of hundreds of editors and reviewers, and without the support of our partners and co-organizers. Thank you and we hope that the future will bring us new prospects, opportunities and successes!

Analytical Reports