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Goods Manufacturer

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IOTA NanoSolutions

About Company

iota nanosolutions limited is a nanomaterials engineering company specialising in the delivery and formulation of poorly soluble ingredients. in so doing iota nanosolutions’ technologies can help overcome many of the factors that prevent the use and full value-realisation of many poorly soluble actives. iota nanosolutions has actively developed anumber of novel generic approaches to enable the formation of dry physical blends of insoluble and soluble

iota nanosolutions limited is a nanomaterials engineering company specialising in the delivery and formulation of poorly soluble ingredients. in so doing iota nanosolutions’ technologies can help overcome many of the factors that prevent the use and full value-realisation of many poorly soluble actives. iota nanosolutions has actively developed anumber of novel generic approaches to enable the formation of dry physical blends of insoluble and soluble materials. the blends are produced without a traditional particle formation step such as milling and are equally applicable with amorphous, crystalline or waxy materials. when the blends are added to a liquid the soluble material dissolves consequently releasing the insoluble material as a nanodispersion. materials processed by iota nanosolutions can be used to form nanodispersions in almost any liquid ranging from water to natural fluids, hydrophilic/hydrophobic solvents, monomers or oils. the nanodispersions are often transparent although nanoparticles of the insoluble material can be present at concentrations unobtainable through traditional techniques.

Analytical Reports