

Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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LamdaGen Corporation

About Company

LamdaGen Corporation is a provider of point of care (POC) diagnostic/detection technologies that are rapid, sensitive, and accessible. The company has developed the LAuRA™ Digital Detection platform, enabling a simple and easy to use rapid testing format which delivers the high sensitivity and quantitation achieved with multi-step lab-based ELISA tests. The proprietary basis of LamdaGen’s products is LAuRA, a patented platform powered by the company’s

LamdaGen Corporation is a provider of point of care (POC) diagnostic/detection technologies that are rapid, sensitive, and accessible. The company has developed the LAuRA™ Digital Detection platform, enabling a simple and easy to use rapid testing format which delivers the high sensitivity and quantitation achieved with multi-step lab-based ELISA tests. The proprietary basis of LamdaGen’s products is LAuRA, a patented platform powered by the company’s game-changing Plasmonic Ampli?cation Technology™ (PAT™). PAT is a ‘double amplification system’ that leverages the inherent properties of nano-based plasmonics enabling limits of detection up to 100 times better than those of current lateral flow products.The LAuRA platform is a simple, compact, cost-e?ective and CLIA-waivable system providing central laboratory precision and high-sensitivity detection in a 15 minute testing protocol. This powerful system is amenable to a range of detection products - from lab based throughput solutions, to small benchtops and miniaturized handhelds, to smartphone based systems. LamdaGen is a technology holding company with a serial spin-off business model aimed at optimizing value by leveraging the platform beyond human clinical testing and into the Food Safety, Animal Health and Biopharmaceutical Development sectors with stand-alone solutions tailored for those markets. We invite you to explore partnering opportunities with us.

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