
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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LMS Technologies Vietnam

About Company

LMS Technologies Vietnam is under LMS Group is founded on 4th July 1995, and has established offices in 5 ASEAN countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia.Our mission is to be the leading distributor of scientific instruments for material science. One of our key philosophies is to represent exclusively principals who are market leaders worldwide. Therefore, we distribute products with a strong reputation for quality and service

LMS Technologies Vietnam is under LMS Group is founded on 4th July 1995, and has established offices in 5 ASEAN countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia.Our mission is to be the leading distributor of scientific instruments for material science. One of our key philosophies is to represent exclusively principals who are market leaders worldwide. Therefore, we distribute products with a strong reputation for quality and service support.We are committed to meet the challenge of our customers’ needs for testing and analysis, training personnel, developing testing methods, ISO qualifications, applications, and technical issues. Our professional service engineers are always working closely with our Principals’ specialists and industry consultants to achieve the customers’ requirements.Our dedication to material science and our desire to be a “One-Stop Solution Provider” to our customers will remain the basic attributes to our continued success!* Operating Fields:1. Advanced Materials / Materials Characterization2. Polymer Technology3. Nano Technology4. Metal / Automotive Technology5. Pharmaceutical Technology* Sevice & Operating Range:1. Technical & Application Support ? Problem Solving & Solution2. Customer Sample Testing ? Testing Service3. Equipment Distribution ? Recommendation of Test Equipment4. Education & Training ? Seminar / Workshop

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