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Goods Manufacturer

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Medical Nanotechnologies, Inc.

About Company

Medical Nanotechnologies, Inc. (MedNanoTech) is revolutionizing the way cancer is treated by developing nanoparticle-based thermal therapies and drug delivery systems.Our core platform is based on nanoparticles which can be delivered to the tumor, engulfed by targeted cancer cells, and irradiated by near-infrared (NIR) light. Upon NIR irradiation, the nanoparticles rapidly heat up. Depending on the amount of heat generated, which can be controlled, this

Medical Nanotechnologies, Inc. (MedNanoTech) is revolutionizing the way cancer is treated by developing nanoparticle-based thermal therapies and drug delivery systems.Our core platform is based on nanoparticles which can be delivered to the tumor, engulfed by targeted cancer cells, and irradiated by near-infrared (NIR) light. Upon NIR irradiation, the nanoparticles rapidly heat up. Depending on the amount of heat generated, which can be controlled, this rapid, localized heat enhances delivery of therapeutic agents such as DNA, proteins, and chemotherapies and, at higher temperature, directly kills the targeted tumor cells.We also provide contract research services for Research Use Only applications that require nanoparticle purification, analysis, modification, and conjugation.

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