
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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About Company

Nanesa is a start-up company involved in the production of Graphene-based nanomaterials. Nanesa team worked for over 4 years to the development of an innovative technology for the production of graphene-based nanomaterials; currently the company has released 2 different graphene nanoplatelets, commercially available on industrial batches (G2Nan and G3Nan).Nanesa operates as strong research partner cooperating with final customers for developing new

Nanesa is a start-up company involved in the production of Graphene-based nanomaterials. Nanesa team worked for over 4 years to the development of an innovative technology for the production of graphene-based nanomaterials; currently the company has released 2 different graphene nanoplatelets, commercially available on industrial batches (G2Nan and G3Nan).Nanesa operates as strong research partner cooperating with final customers for developing new multifunctional products exploiting graphene based materials properties. From these products Nanesa realizes homogeneous dispersion in different resins and solvent, facilitating the application of nanomaterials in consolidated process.Properties such as electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and spreading, mechanical reinforcement, gas barrier, flame retardancy, EMI shielding and other can be transferred from nanoscale to macroscopic dimensions, creating high added value applications with new multifunctional materials.Nanesa staff (made of material and mechanical engineers, PhD chemists and laboratory analysts) can cooperate with industrial partner and research entities for obtaining innovative graphene based materials with exciting proprieties. Nanesa is also a partner of Graphene Flagship Consortium, the most important EU core Research project on nanomaterials, with a pioneer project in automotive sector, aimed to develop new graphene based composite material for lighten and more safety automotive components (iGCAuto Project).For more information visit us on our website and contact us for any information.For materials sample and quotation, please contact: [email protected]&D Laboratory: [email protected]

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