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Nano-Ag47 Ltd

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Nano-Ag47 Silver Nanoparticle SprayThe spray of Silver Nanoparticles and surfactants create a 72-hour shield that protects surfaces between cleaning against multiple contamination events.Silver Nanoparticles, (AgNP) actively combat harmful Viruses and Bacteria. On-line searches reveal the global scientific communities’ endorsement of their efficacy.Nano-Ag Kills 99.99% of bacteria and all known envelope viruses upon application to surfaces. Viricidal and

Nano-Ag47 Silver Nanoparticle SprayThe spray of Silver Nanoparticles and surfactants create a 72-hour shield that protects surfaces between cleaning against multiple contamination events.Silver Nanoparticles, (AgNP) actively combat harmful Viruses and Bacteria. On-line searches reveal the global scientific communities’ endorsement of their efficacy.Nano-Ag Kills 99.99% of bacteria and all known envelope viruses upon application to surfaces. Viricidal and Bactericidal shield for 72 hours after application on prescribed surfaces.A simple spray application of Nano-Ag forms a shield of silver Nano particles. The particles block the virus receptors, which subsequently goes into shock, dies and falls away leaving the particle shield to catch the next virus.Silver Nano particles under 40 nanometres have the ability to destroy viruses, bacteria and fungi reproductive structures and rendering them inactive. Remaining viral mutation proof.

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