

Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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NanoImaging Services

About Company

nis launched in 2007 to provide imaging services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and nanotechnology communities. they have since built a client-focused organization with a reputation for expertise, reliability and collaboration. nis is committed to expanding their service capacity through microscope acquisition, workflow automation,recruitment and training of top talent, and the development of new service offerings. their state-of-the-art facilities

nis launched in 2007 to provide imaging services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and nanotechnology communities. they have since built a client-focused organization with a reputation for expertise, reliability and collaboration. nis is committed to expanding their service capacity through microscope acquisition, workflow automation,recruitment and training of top talent, and the development of new service offerings. their state-of-the-art facilities include a range of electron microscopes, sample preparation equipment and computational infrastructure to support structural biology, nanoparticle characterization and chemistry workflows. with recent acquisitions, nis has become the largest and most comprehensive provider of tem, cryoem and microed services to the industrial life science market.

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