
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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Nanophoton Corporation

About Company

Nanophoton is manufacturer of high performance analytical and imaging instruments with major focus on innovative Raman systems by using most updated nano- and photonics technology. Nanophoton’s instruments include high performance Raman Imaging Systems, fast Raman Screening Systems (widefield imaging and analysis) as well as Tip Enhanced Raman Systems (TERS) for most demanding applications. These products are integrated into a broad range of

Nanophoton is manufacturer of high performance analytical and imaging instruments with major focus on innovative Raman systems by using most updated nano- and photonics technology. Nanophoton’s instruments include high performance Raman Imaging Systems, fast Raman Screening Systems (widefield imaging and analysis) as well as Tip Enhanced Raman Systems (TERS) for most demanding applications. These products are integrated into a broad range of high-performance solutions for academic and governmental research as well as industrial applications. Technology and Innovation is part of our DNA and we believe that our customers are keen on high performance, innovative technology.Our product lines RAMANtouch, RAMANview and TERSsense are currently the most innovative systems in Raman imaging. RAMANtouch provides ultra-fast Raman imaging with a diffraction limited spatial resolution. RAMANview provides ultra-wide field-of-view, deeper depth of focus, and longer working distance, which open up new dimensions of Raman imaging, especially for fast screening.

Analytical Reports