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among the many subsets of nanomaterials, quantum dots are like no other. at dimensions typically below 10 nanometers, nanocrystalline semiconductors, metals, and magnetic materials can all exhibit quantum confinement phenomenon. basically, at the nanometer scale, their hysical size encroaches upon the fundamental quantum confinement dimensions oforbiting electrons that are uniquely prescribed by their atomic nucleus.quantum dots from one material of

among the many subsets of nanomaterials, quantum dots are like no other. at dimensions typically below 10 nanometers, nanocrystalline semiconductors, metals, and magnetic materials can all exhibit quantum confinement phenomenon. basically, at the nanometer scale, their hysical size encroaches upon the fundamental quantum confinement dimensions oforbiting electrons that are uniquely prescribed by their atomic nucleus.quantum dots from one material of different sizes glow with different colors. in comparison with traditional florescent materials, quantum dots possess greater photostability and their color remains stable over several years.current and future applications of qds impact a broad range of industrial markets. these include biology and biomedicine; computing and memory; electronics and displays; optoelectronic devices such as leds, lighting, and lasers; optical components used in telecommunications; and security applications such as covert identification tagging or biowarfare detection sensors.

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