

Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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Nanotechnology Patronas Group (aka NPGroup)

About Company

Nanotechnology Patronas Group (aka NPGroup) Inc., is a technology startup from many years of research work at the High-Performance Materials Institute of the Florida A&M University and Florida State University College of Engineering. The company is a S corporation incorporated in Florida, USA in 2012. NPGroup Inc. key focus is the creation (through research and development) and identification (through licensing) of technological solutions that make life

Nanotechnology Patronas Group (aka NPGroup) Inc., is a technology startup from many years of research work at the High-Performance Materials Institute of the Florida A&M University and Florida State University College of Engineering. The company is a S corporation incorporated in Florida, USA in 2012. NPGroup Inc. key focus is the creation (through research and development) and identification (through licensing) of technological solutions that make life better for humans, and the commercialization of these solutions for the benefits of all stakeholders. The company’s load and damage sensor systems are based on technology developed from research work sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The mission of NPGroup, Inc. is to protect and enhance the value of engineering structures with intelligent technological capabilities thereby enhancing safety, system’s performance, and economic returns of owners/operators.

Analytical Reports