

Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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NovaCentrix Corp.

About Company

novacentrix offers industry leading photonic curing tools, conductive inks, material and expertise enabling development and production of next generation printed electronic devices – some already on the market. pulseforge® tools utilize photonic curing which is a cutting edge technology that dries, sinters, and anneals functional inks inmilliseconds on low-temperature, flexible substrates such as paper and plastic. pulseforge tools can save time and money,

novacentrix offers industry leading photonic curing tools, conductive inks, material and expertise enabling development and production of next generation printed electronic devices – some already on the market. pulseforge® tools utilize photonic curing which is a cutting edge technology that dries, sinters, and anneals functional inks inmilliseconds on low-temperature, flexible substrates such as paper and plastic. pulseforge tools can save time and money, and enable new types of products in applications like solar, rfid, display, packaging, and circuit. our metalon® conductive inks capitalize on advanced materials and formulation to provide conductivity options for additive manufacturing of printed electronics with stretchable, solderable, resistive, and magnetic qualities.

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