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Photocatalyst Coatings - ecotio2

About Company

A revolutionary product for your buildings and infrastructure that keeps them looking new, purifies the air and reduces maintenance costs.Photocatalyst Coatings is an innovating sealant that uses natural ecotio2® technology to provide sustainable and cost effective solutions for a range of commercial and residential projects. Popular in Japan and Asia, Photocatalyst Coatings is now available in Australia.ecotio2® can be applied to a range of surfaces such

A revolutionary product for your buildings and infrastructure that keeps them looking new, purifies the air and reduces maintenance costs.Photocatalyst Coatings is an innovating sealant that uses natural ecotio2® technology to provide sustainable and cost effective solutions for a range of commercial and residential projects. Popular in Japan and Asia, Photocatalyst Coatings is now available in Australia.ecotio2® can be applied to a range of surfaces such as concrete, building panels, glass, ceramics and painted surfaces. Appropriate for indoors and outdoors surfaces.Contact Photocatalyst Coatings today on 1300 326 846!

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