

Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

Contact Info


Physicians Total Care, inc

About Company

DispensePoint is a drug wholesaler and repackager that provides physician dispensing through an eRx certified IT platform that adjudicates prescription claims from most major payors and has MTM programs to increase compliance and improve outcomes. DispensePoint’s total solution permits accountable care organizations (ACO) and its physicians to increase their Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) incentive payments, generate outcomes-driven, lower-cost care

DispensePoint is a drug wholesaler and repackager that provides physician dispensing through an eRx certified IT platform that adjudicates prescription claims from most major payors and has MTM programs to increase compliance and improve outcomes. DispensePoint’s total solution permits accountable care organizations (ACO) and its physicians to increase their Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) incentive payments, generate outcomes-driven, lower-cost care in risk pools and Medicare Advantage environments. We work directly with ACOs, physicians, health plans and systems to create custom formularies in order to drive generic substitution and utilization, resulting in significant cost savings. Founded in 1986 - DispensePoint has the rare combination of experience, customer service and technological sophistication to help you succeed.

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