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Goods Manufacturer

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About Company

quandela is an expert in the fabrication of performing devices for the research in quantum photonics and quantum information. they fabricate unique solid-state sources of quantum light. these sources bring a new revolution in quantum technologies based on light.the company's single-photon source device combines photonics and semiconductorquantum dots for quantum communication, computation and sensing and permits to collect the emitted single-photons with

quandela is an expert in the fabrication of performing devices for the research in quantum photonics and quantum information. they fabricate unique solid-state sources of quantum light. these sources bring a new revolution in quantum technologies based on light.the company's single-photon source device combines photonics and semiconductorquantum dots for quantum communication, computation and sensing and permits to collect the emitted single-photons with exceptional efficiency at high rates, enabling researchers to strongly reduce the charge noise decoherence and assist in the emission of identical photons with fidelity close to unity, an essential requirement for the development of the most advanced quantum applications.

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