
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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QZabre LLC

About Company

Welcome to QZabre LLC. Our expertise is imaging magnetic fields and currents at the nanometer scale. Don't rely on simulations, but verify them!Our technology is based on atomic defects in diamond: nitrogen vacancy centers. By locating one of these at the apex of a scanning tip, we can achieve unprecedented sensitivity and resolution, enabling you image miniscule stray fields, or non-destructively track current flow in integrated circuits.We currently offer

Welcome to QZabre LLC. Our expertise is imaging magnetic fields and currents at the nanometer scale. Don't rely on simulations, but verify them!Our technology is based on atomic defects in diamond: nitrogen vacancy centers. By locating one of these at the apex of a scanning tip, we can achieve unprecedented sensitivity and resolution, enabling you image miniscule stray fields, or non-destructively track current flow in integrated circuits.We currently offer high quality scanning tips in different configurations.Building your own setup? We also provide the electronics hardware and scanning software, contact us for more info.Need the entire setup? A turn-key system is under development, ask us for more details!

Analytical Reports