About Company
The RAS AG is a manufacturer of cross-section materials with chemical-technical background. RAS products and additives can be found in a wide range of applications in the textile industry, paints and coatings, medical technology and agriculture. In addition, RAS AG offers scientific services through its highly qualified staff. RAS is thus extremely technology-oriented and conducts research and development at the forefront of nanotechnology.
The RAS AG from
The RAS AG is a manufacturer of cross-section materials with chemical-technical background. RAS products and additives can be found in a wide range of applications in the textile industry, paints and coatings, medical technology and agriculture. In addition, RAS AG offers scientific services through its highly qualified staff. RAS is thus extremely technology-oriented and conducts research and development at the forefront of nanotechnology.
The RAS AG from the merger of rent a scientist® GmbH arose and the ras materials GmbH. The task of the NEW Aktiengesellschaft is the development, production and distribution of new materials and technologies.
The R & D services are available to you in the usual way as a business unit "rent a scientist®".