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Resodyn Acoustic Mixers, Inc.

About Company

Resodyn Acoustic Mixers, Inc. has developed and commercialized a new and innovative technology that utilizes low frequency, high intensity acoustic energy in place of traditional mechanical mixing impellers. Trademarked ResonantAcoustic(R) Mixing (RAM) technology applies a consistent shear field throughout the entire mixing vessel. High levels of energy are imparted to the vessel contents causing rapid fluidization and dispersion, resulting in very rapid

Resodyn Acoustic Mixers, Inc. has developed and commercialized a new and innovative technology that utilizes low frequency, high intensity acoustic energy in place of traditional mechanical mixing impellers. Trademarked ResonantAcoustic(R) Mixing (RAM) technology applies a consistent shear field throughout the entire mixing vessel. High levels of energy are imparted to the vessel contents causing rapid fluidization and dispersion, resulting in very rapid mixing. RAM mixers do not use impellers. Compared to traditional high speed mixers, less heat is generated during mixing. The technology allows for considerable flexibility in the size and design of the vessel used for mixing. RAM technology is well suited for mixing powder-powder blends, liquids and viscous materials.Schedule a free on-site demonstration today!

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