

Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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SBA Materials

About Company

"SBA Materials is dedicated to the development of functional porous inorganic and inorganic/organic hybrid materials for a wide range of technologies. Different synthesis and processing conditions allow for a variety of material compositions, structures, and applications. They can be fabricated as thin and thick films, powders, fibers, and even optically clear solid monoliths all consisting of highly ordered mesoporous networks. The resulting surface area

"SBA Materials is dedicated to the development of functional porous inorganic and inorganic/organic hybrid materials for a wide range of technologies. Different synthesis and processing conditions allow for a variety of material compositions, structures, and applications. They can be fabricated as thin and thick films, powders, fibers, and even optically clear solid monoliths all consisting of highly ordered mesoporous networks. The resulting surface area is extraordinarily high and can be chemically functionalized, e.g. with organic dyes, quantum dots, magnetic materials, or biomaterials enabling applications ranging from electronics and optics to sensors, catalysts. SBA Materials is located in Albuquerque, NM, at the Science and Technology Park, adjacent to the University of New Mexico and the Sandia National Laboratories Materials Research Center. The facility includes R&D laboratories, offices, and meeting space."

Analytical Reports