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Goods Manufacturer

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ST Instruments

About Company

ST Instruments carries a complementary range of products, covering every aspect of surface analysis.This allows us to offer our customers a single purpose solution or an integrated solution for a multidisciplinary approach. Our extensive product range combined with our excellent level of service makes us your trusted partner for surface analysis applications in nanotechnology, materials science, biomaterials, polymers, energy and life science.ST Instruments

ST Instruments carries a complementary range of products, covering every aspect of surface analysis.This allows us to offer our customers a single purpose solution or an integrated solution for a multidisciplinary approach. Our extensive product range combined with our excellent level of service makes us your trusted partner for surface analysis applications in nanotechnology, materials science, biomaterials, polymers, energy and life science.ST Instruments is located in The Netherlands and the exclusive distributor in Benelux and Nordic countries for these products:? Accurion / Active Vibration Isolation? Applied NanoStructures / SPM Probes? Bio-Logic Science Instruments / Electrochemistry Research Instruments? Filmetrics / Thin Film Thickness and Optical Constants Measurement ? Hitachi High-Technologies / Electron Microscopes? Molecular Vista / Sub-micron IR spectroscopy? Moorfield Nanotechnology / Vacuum Deposition? Nanophoton / Laser Raman Spectroscopy? Neoscan / micro CT? Park Systems / Atomic Force Microscopy ? Photothermal Spectroscopy Corp / Submicron IR Spectroscopy and Imaging? Physical Electronics / AES, XPS and TOF-SIMS? RMC Boeckeler / Ultramicrotomy, microtomy, EM workflow solutions? Rtec Instruments / Mechanical Testing? Sensofar / Optical Profiling

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