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The Kerala Minerals & Metals Limited

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About Company

Bringing more to your everyday life, KMML touches you in numerous ways. Be it the dress you wear, the cosmetics you use, the medicines you take, the paints you decorate your home with or the utility plastic products, our products are there. Eco-friendly & socially committed, we are the only integrated Titanium Dioxide facility having mining, mineral separation, synthetic rutile and pigment-production plants. Apart from producing rutile grade Titanium

Bringing more to your everyday life, KMML touches you in numerous ways. Be it the dress you wear, the cosmetics you use, the medicines you take, the paints you decorate your home with or the utility plastic products, our products are there. Eco-friendly & socially committed, we are the only integrated Titanium Dioxide facility having mining, mineral separation, synthetic rutile and pigment-production plants. Apart from producing rutile grade Titanium Dioxide pigment for various types of industries, we also produces other products like Illmenite, Rutile, Zircon, Sillimenite, Synthetic rutile etc. Manufacturing Titanium Dioxide through the chloride route, KMML produces very pure rutile grade Titanium dioxide pigment. The different grades churned out by KMML under brand name KEMOX has a ready market which asks for more. The commendable work in research by the R&D department has also helped KMML to add more colours to its portfolio. With continued growth and demand in the economy and industry, the products of KMML are being lapped up by the eager market. This has in turn set the wheels turning for KMML’s expansion. KMML has always been responsive to social and environmental causes. Some of the initiatives taken by KMML have made a significant change to the area and its people. KMML is now in the aerospace industry & Defence applications with the commissioning of the Titanium Sponge Plant. The TSP is a joint venture of KMML, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) and the Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL). The Rs.143-crore TSP project was fully funded by the VSSC. With the inauguration of TSP, India became the 7th country in the world having the technology for producing titanium sponge, which is the raw material for titanium metal.



TiO2 NanoKemox

Application :


Analytical Reports