

Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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Torvac, Inc

About Company

Torvac is a complete source of high-quality vacuum pumps, thin-film metrology, and vacuum components. We service the Midwestern region of the United States. We sell a broad range of products to our vacuum and deposition clients. The companies we work with are distinguished for their exceptional quality in their product lines. Here is a list of current manufactures repressed:Agilent Vacuum Products: Helium Leak Detectors, New Vacuum pumps – Dry or

Torvac is a complete source of high-quality vacuum pumps, thin-film metrology, and vacuum components. We service the Midwestern region of the United States. We sell a broad range of products to our vacuum and deposition clients. The companies we work with are distinguished for their exceptional quality in their product lines. Here is a list of current manufactures repressed:Agilent Vacuum Products: Helium Leak Detectors, New Vacuum pumps – Dry or oil-based roughing to UHV, Vacuum GaugesTrillium US: Vacuum pump service, refurbished vacuum pumps, refurbished chillers, gas abatement systemsANCORP: Vacuum flanges, fittings, and custom vacuum chambers/weldmentsMPF Products: Vacuum feedthroughs (electric, gas, water, etc.) and viewportsTelemark: Cryo-chillers for water vapor pumping, thin-film process monitoringk-Space Associates: Real-time thin film characterization and process controlPicosun ALD: Atomic Layer Deposition for conformal film deposition of most any shaped partSolmates PLD: Pulsed Laser Deposition for film coating with most any material on periodic tableSingulus PVD: Production provide Physical Vapor Deposition on semiconductor wafersTorvac supplies a large variety of vacuum components and systems: pumps, chambers, flanges, sputtering cathodes and materials, vacuum rotary motion feedthroughs and vacuum gauging are just a few of the products available.Our clients include manufacturers and users of MBE, industrial deposition coating, surface analysis, integrated circuitry, beamline applications, high temperature processing, glass coating, and thin film techniques.

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