
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

Contact Info


Tunable AS

About Company

Tunable is a technology company developing and delivering multi gas analysers based on micro- and nanotechnology. The analysers can measure multiple gases simultaneously, are highly sensitive, small, robust, and can be adapted to a wide range of applications. Typically, our solutions are used in environmental surveillance, emissions, Process improvements and Hazardous control. Our company is located in Oslo, Norway, and have gain regional and

Tunable is a technology company developing and delivering multi gas analysers based on micro- and nanotechnology. The analysers can measure multiple gases simultaneously, are highly sensitive, small, robust, and can be adapted to a wide range of applications. Typically, our solutions are used in environmental surveillance, emissions, Process improvements and Hazardous control. Our company is located in Oslo, Norway, and have gain regional and International reputation for our solutions. Our proprietary technology provides real-time gas analysis in micro-format. With our Gas analysers we enable our customers to measure what could not be measured before. Either for reasons of size, environment, cost or limitations on available solutions. Our mission is to make an gas analyser with sensitivity that outperforms nature.

Analytical Reports