
Company Type

Goods Manufacturer

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UpNano GmbH

About Company

The NanoOne 3D printing system developed by UpNano enables our users from different sectors to fabricate high-resolution microstructured parts for their specific applications in a cost-efficient manner, beginning already with the very first produced batch. The variety of usage of this system ranges from electronics to microoptics and biocompatible applications in cell research.?SmallHigh-resolution desktop printing system with sub-micron resolution.?FastUp

The NanoOne 3D printing system developed by UpNano enables our users from different sectors to fabricate high-resolution microstructured parts for their specific applications in a cost-efficient manner, beginning already with the very first produced batch. The variety of usage of this system ranges from electronics to microoptics and biocompatible applications in cell research.?SmallHigh-resolution desktop printing system with sub-micron resolution.?FastUp to a 100 times higher throughput for short production cycles.?PowerfulHigh power laser for mesoscale fabrication and biological applications.

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