About Company
Vaporsens is a privately held company headquartered in Salt Lake City, UT and its breakthrough technology is based on advanced sensor research from the University of Utah's Materials Science Department directed by Dr. Ling Zang.
Dr. Ling Zang, a University of Utah USTAR Professor, has been researching and developing nanofiber technology for more than 15 years. Achieving significant break-throughs in his work and with more than 20 patents filed, Dr. Zang
Vaporsens is a privately held company headquartered in Salt Lake City, UT and its breakthrough technology is based on advanced sensor research from the University of Utah's Materials Science Department directed by Dr. Ling Zang.
Dr. Ling Zang, a University of Utah USTAR Professor, has been researching and developing nanofiber technology for more than 15 years. Achieving significant break-throughs in his work and with more than 20 patents filed, Dr. Zang founded Vaporsens in 2011. The company is supported by Utah's prestigious Technology Commercialization & Innovation Program (TCIP), the National Science Foundation's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, the Defense Department's Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DOD-DTRA), the Department of Homeland Security (SBIR), the Environmental Protection Agency, and private investors. Vaporsens' products are currently under development and will be available for purchase in 2018.