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Goods Manufacturer

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Vibrant Hearing

About Company

Since 1970, our only purpose has been to improve lives and relationships through better hearing. Reducing the frustation of hearing loss and increasing our clients' personal engangement with their family, friends and communities is our singular mission. Vibrant Hearing Core Values: 1. The Goal is ALWAYS Better Hearing Above all and by whatever means, the responsibility of the Vibrant Team is to make every effort to improve the lives of clients through

Since 1970, our only purpose has been to improve lives and relationships through better hearing. Reducing the frustation of hearing loss and increasing our clients' personal engangement with their family, friends and communities is our singular mission. Vibrant Hearing Core Values: 1. The Goal is ALWAYS Better Hearing Above all and by whatever means, the responsibility of the Vibrant Team is to make every effort to improve the lives of clients through Education, Prevention and Rehabilitation. 2. Exceed Expectations Good enough is NEVER good enough. We will always strive to meet and then exceed the expectations of our clients, our co-workers and our community. 3. Respect for the Individual We acknowledge and accept that each human being is unique and has different needs, expectation, aspirations, beliefs and goals. We both respect and celebrate this diversity. 4. Be Passionate and Determined When seeking solution to our client’s listening needs, and protecting their hearing, we will act with headlong perseverance. 5. Innovate and Be Creative We understand that sometimes solutions need to be creative and that creativity will only come from innovation and a refusal to accept the status-quo.

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