

Registration Date 21 Apr 2018
Revision Date 21 Apr 2018

Nano Vita C 30ml


Cosmetics Skin Care

Skin serum


- Single Vitamin C in the 25% Nanoencapsulated World Market with Growth Factors. Only Vitamin C in the World Market Stabilized with Organic Silicon, Nano Resveratrol (Active Fraction - Grape) and Hyaluronic Acid - Progressive Facial Nanotechnology. - Extreme Antioxidant Action and Protection Against Solar Radiation. - Anti-Aging Action for Rejuvenation. - Hydration, Softness and Renewal of Tone. - Action against Wrinkles and Lines of Expression. - Cicatrizante and Restorative Action of Epidermis. - Illuminating effect for skin. - Naturally Stimulates Collagen Formation. - Clinically Proven Results After 7 Days of Use

Anti-aging Anti-oxidant Skin Nourishing Vitamin

Manufacturer's Description

Ultra concentrated 25% Vitamin C serum with fully stabilized growth factors with advanced nanoparticle technology.

Ultra concentrated 25% Vitamin C serum with fully stabilized growth factors with advanced nanoparticle technology. Promotes greater permeation and makes Vitamin C available in a gradual and deep way. Associated with Hyaluronic Acid, Organic Silicides and Nano Resveratrol, this product promotes maximum anti-aging and antioxidant action.

► NANOVIT C - 250 mg / g 
     - Vitamin C nanocoated 
► NANO UP LIFT - 30mg / g - Hyaluronic acid - Senegal acacia extract ► HYDROXIPROLISILANE CN - 10mg / g - silicones Organic ► NANO Resveratrol - 20mg / g - Active Fraction grapes - Pomegranate oil ► NanoFactor - EGF - 10mg / g - Epidermal Growth Factor ► NanoFactor - TGFß3 - 10mg / g - transforming growth factor ► TGP-2 PEPTIDE - 10mg / g - Active Fraction of Growth Factors