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Registration Date | 16 Jun 2018 |
Revision Date | 16 Jun 2018 |
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Construction Masonry Materials
Self-cleaning Coating
Nano-Clear is the only RESTORATIVE on the market that is applied to existing worn coatings and not only renews them to their original condition but provides them with considerable improvements in durability, chemical resistance, resistance to UV radiation and scratches superior to coatings previously. applied.
This restoration generates significant savings in the cost of maintaining the surfaces by avoiding mechanical cleaning (Sandblast or manual mechanical cleaning) and considerably improves the image of the surfaces in the long term.
Nano-Clear Restores and protects all types of metal surfaces, fiberglass, plastics, vinyl, stainless steel, aluminum and also all types of coated surfaces in general, EXTENDS THE LIFE OF THE COATINGS WHERE IT APPLIES, provides a unique resistance and Extreme weathering in acidic and highly corrosive environments, high scratch resistance with innovative self-cleaning properties, as well as chemical resistance, avoiding coating wear due to environmental conditions and chemical agents.