ELISA Kits |
Medicine Medical Supplies
Detection KitThe minimum sensitivity limit of free metanephrine (metaadrenaline) using this human metanephrine in plasma ELISA kit was approximately 17.0 pg/ml. The dynamic assay range for this kit is 36.0 – 3,600 pg/ml.
Metanephrine which is also known as metaadrenaline can be formed through the action of catechol-O-methyl transferase on epinephrine, it is essentially a metabolite of adrenaline (epinephrine). These molecules are classified has hormones which are called catecholamines, they can be released into the blood in response to either emotional or physical stress. These hormones are helpful in the regulation of blood pressure and flow throughout the body.
Since pheochromocytomas or paragangliomas are producing these hormones in excess, the determination of their levels in blood and/or urine can be helpful in detecting this tumor. Occasionally, plasma free metanephrines test may be used when an adrenal tumor is detected incidentally or for asymptomatic person with a known genetic risk of these tumors. Using the blood testing method is useful with individuals having persistent hypertension or those experiencing sudden burst (paroxysm) of hypertension. This is due to the fact that these hormone do not stay in the blood for a long period of time, often they are used by the body very quickly either broken down (metabolised) and/or eliminated. The current guidelines are recommending the use of either plasma free metanephrines or urinary fractionated metanephrines for initial biochemical testing.