

Registration Date 31 May 2019
Revision Date 31 May 2019

Chromic Mirror


Home Appliance Furniture



Due to their characteristics, these mirrors can easily be used in: Bathroom gyms Dining halls Hotels Conference rooms Facade panels Lighting systems Interrogation rooms and ...
Dining rooms Bathrooms Hotel Conference hall walls Facade panels Gyms Interrogation rooms


0 years warranty for defects including dislocation, black spots, and clouding of the silver film. 2 layers protection painting on backside of mirrors to protect silver film. Pass successful durability tests, including resistance to moisture, salt and acid.

Moisture Resistance Salt Resistance Acid Resistance

Manufacturer's Description

In addition to normal uses of mirrors in wvwryday life since thw ancient times, architects have utilized mirrors for interior decoration of buildings to make a better lighting effect for the inner spaces of the rooms and halls. Most mirrors are made by adding reflective coating to a suitable screen (usually glass). In most mirrors, this page is made of glass because of its ease of construction, transparency, hardness, and the ability to have a smooth finish. The reflector cover is usually added to the back of the mirror to protect against erosion and sudden damage. More glass mirrors are covered with silver, along with a set of other coatings.

The product is a mirror with nanometeric chromium coating. Chromic mirrors are suitable for wet areas and high humidity (baths, indoor swimming pools). Chrome coating is highly resistant and moisture can not have the slightest effect on it. These mirrors can also be used as a decorative style for new designs or for producing visual effects with a variety of reflections.