Azhineh Abzar Pars |
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Registration Date | 31 May 2019 |
Revision Date | 31 May 2019 |
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GloveWear and abrasion resistance properties Long service life Suitable for dry and humid weather Comfortability and flexibility Using coatings containing nanoparticles provide waterproof properties which prevent surface wetting and water penetration. Improvement in the waterproof properties of gloves has been evaluated by ISIRI 567-7 “Determination of resistance to surface wetting (spray test)”. Its results are as follows In this test, in order to measure the fabric resistance to surface wetting, the samples are placed in the conditions according to standard no.567-7. This measurement is done by spraying water on the surface of the samples, and then resistance level is determined by comparing images of samples with relevant standard images. The fabric resistance to surface wetting is placed in ISO3 classification.
Industrial gloves are utilized to protect employees’ hands from possible physical and mechanical injuries and also provide safety and sanitary conditions in the workplaces. Moreover, due to continuous use of these gloves at workplaces, they should also have abrasion, wear resistance and anti-hole properties. For some other specific applications, those causing exposure to chemicals and oil derivatives, some gloves have been designed to fulfill good chemical resistance properties. Gloves with good wear and abrasion resistance properties are also used for harsh processes such as grinding, metalworking, pressing and other mechanical works. So, all of these gloves protects hands against environmental injuries by the specific properties they fulfill. The comfort and flexibility of these gloves are other important features that should be taken into account. The industrial gloves could become wet during working which may cause unpleasant feelings or some problems with hands such as hand pain in long term. This product is an industrial glove with waterproof coatings containing nanoparticles which is designed to prevent surface absorption and penetration. These gloves are suitable for rainy and humid weathers. The gloves are made of fabrics and latex, and their waterproof properties pertain to the fabric parts.