3D Biotek, LLC |
Registration Date | 12 Apr 2020 |
Revision Date | 12 Apr 2020 |
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Medicine Medical Supplies
BiomembraneCell retention in applications requiring wet coating of ECM proteins such as laminin, fibronectin, growth factors, etc . Currently, the seeding efficiency of the scaffold is 88-95% under dry conditions. However, seeding efficiency drops when applying wet-protein coating prior to cell seeding. Electrospun fibers have shown to cause shape-induced osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. The 3D Insert with nano-mesh design combines 3D environment with nano technology. This product is ideal for use in bone tissue engineering studies.
3D Insert-PS/PCL (Polystyrene/Polycaprolactone) with Nanomesh is developed by combining the benefit of nanofibers and micro-scale 3D scaffold structure to provide a unique feature for use in tumor and stem cell research applications.
The 3D Insert with Nanomesh offers both nano- and micro-scale geometry to recreate cancer epithelium and stroma tissue-like conditions. Applications of the 3D Insert Nanomesh are suited for monoculture and co-culture in vitro models for drug screening and epithelial-stromal invasion studies.