

Registration Date 27 Oct 2020
Revision Date 27 Oct 2020

Decorative Coated Sanitary Faucet


Construction Decoration



Bathroom Taps Toilet taps Kitchen Taps
Toilets Kitchen Bathroom Taps


Nanometer thin nitride film of transition metals Coating thickness less than 100 nm High hardness Suitable wear resistance Corrosion resistance Easy to clean Powdered spraying No sediment

Corrosion resistance Wear Resistance Hardness Anti-sediment

Manufacturer's Description

In addition to the type and the quality of the material used in the fabrication of taps, other factors such as the geometry and the color of the used coating is important. Generally, faucets are made of either brass or lead alloys, so just their coatings make them look different. In addition to the alloy used in faucets, plating is of great importance, which can have a significant effect on the corrosion resistance of the faucet. Better quality of plating leads to a longer lifetime of faucets. Some types of decorative coatings used for faucets include brass, bronze, copper and steel. Nonetheless, today’s faucets with nanostructured coatings with higher hardness and corrosion resistance are produced because manufacturers are always looking for products with more beauty, quality and lifetime.

The applied coating grain size has been determined less than 100 nm. Beautiful appearance have been confirmed.

Considering the structure of the applied layer on the surface of the reference sample, and according to the national standard number INSO 21145, Taps With Decorative Nanostructured Coating can be positioned in the field of nanotechnology.