Nanolife Nanoteknoloji |
Registration Date | 19 Mar 2022 |
Revision Date | 19 Mar 2022 |
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Construction Masonry Materials
Nanolife Water-repellent and anti-limescale is a product that minimizes the formation of lime and water stains, including shower cabin glasses and wet floors, with its material. The water repellent feature on the surface after coating prevents the formation of water stains and lime stains. This event is used to provide easy cleaning on the surface.
It minimizes the time spent on cleaning the windows in the shower cabins. In addition, this effect also saves water. Its water-repellent effect lasts for 2 years.
The contact of the surfaces treated with Nanolife Water Repellent and Lime Repellent with dirt particles is minimized. Due to its ability to repel water and oils, dirt such as oily substances from the environment, lime and algae cannot adhere to the surface. Even dried dirt on the applied surface can be easily cleaned.