Dhanvantari Nano Ayushadi Pvt. Ltd.(NanOlife) |
Registration Date | 19 Mar 2022 |
Revision Date | 19 Mar 2022 |
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Medicine Dentistry
Mouth WashSilver
Ag Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 7440-22-4
Good Oral Hygiene is essential for teeth health which in turn is related to the cranial nerves and the blood vessels interconnected to the major arteries. Teeth health is essential for cosmetic as well as other routine activities like maintaining facial features, speech, chewing etc. So it is essential for cosmetic and health reasons. The easiest way to ensure the oral hygiene is by using a mouthwash which can be easily carried and used anywhere.
NanOlife Mouthwash is a unique aqueous preparation containing Silver 100% Nanoparticles prepared by innovative Green Nanotechnology, under licensed proprietary technology from University of Missouri, USA.
Invariably, market available mouthwash products have alcohol (ethanol or denatured alcohol) in it while NanOlife Mouthwash is 100% natural aqueous formulation and alcohol free.
NanOlife Mouthwash when used gives a pleasant smooth, soft, and natural feel unlike the other alcoholic mouthwashes. In addition to above, NanOlife Mouthwash contains extracts of Tulsi, Turmeric, Neem & Karuvelam. These extracts are said to beneficial for oral health. Goodness of Clovebud & Peppermint is also present in NanOlife Mouthwash.
NanOlife Mouthwash destroys bacteria in the mouth, promoting healthy teeth and the overall oral hygiene. The alcohol free product helps in prevention and treatment of gum diseases, bad breath, and plaque and biofilm elimination from teeth.