Ceramic Glass Ltd |
Registration Date | 23 Aug 2022 |
Revision Date | 23 Aug 2022 |
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Construction Masonry Materials
Anti-corrosive coatingSilicon dioxide
SiO2 Nanoparticle /Nanopowder CAS Number : 7631-86-9
Today’s modern fireplace is the heart and centre of the home, bringing families together as a focus for warmth, cheerfulness and comfort. Style, design, convenience and efficiency are all important considerations as well to create a home.
For those reasons a great deal of attention has been given to providing a number of high performance nanotechnology thin coatings to enhance and emphasize key performance and design features - inorganic oxide-based coatings which are stable at operating fireplace and stove temperatures.
A unique coating on the inner face of the glass panel to enhance protection against the aggressive acids generated from bituminous and timber fuels when they burn, which would otherwise cause fine pitting and crazing corrosion of the panel surface. Especially for reducing the effects of aggressive hot sulphuric and sulphurous acids.