Eligard is a formulation of leuprolide acetate that utilizes Atrigel as a polymeric injectable nanosuspension agent, which received its FDA approval in 2002 as a palliative agent for treatment of prostate cancer. Leuprolide acetate (known as Lupron) is a synthetic peptide-type analogue of gonadotropine-releasing hormone (GnR) which is able to interact with the GnR hormone receptor and modify gonadotropin secretion. The reduction in gonadotropin secretion reduces the level of other hormones such as luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Artigel is a DDS based on a polymer mixture (usually polylactic and polyglycolide). Eligard is an example of a nano pharmaceutical serving as a sophisticated drug-delivery system for Lupron. As an injectable liquid formulation, it solidifies in the body and slowly releases the drug over 1 month because of Atrigel biodegradation. Irritation and erythema are the most common adverse effects of Eligrad after its subcutaneous injection.